Next Generation Procurement for Travel, Logistics, and Infrastructure leaders

Procurement Executive Transition Program

The Transition Journey

Procurement leaders transitioning into new roles have a unique opportunity to make a strong and impactful first impression. The first period in the role will set the course for the journey ahead.

By participating in our Transition Journey, you will be able to draw on the latest procurement insights, best practices and coaching from experts and experienced professionals to help you develop winning strategies and approaches that will make you as successful as possible in your new leadership role.

Embarking on a CPO journey brings challenges even to the most experienced leaders

Expectations – to position the starting point, being aspirational, yet not overpromising on impact

Needle – to move fast on quick wins and act on identified priorities

Stakeholders – not only make friends, but also set joint ​ aspirations and make demands

Impact – to balance learning with doing, not to only meet people but also deliver impact

Talent – to manage to find the key people in your team to build on from early on

Organization – to build conviction across the organization on “how it will be different this time”

Successful executive transitions requires an action oriented approach

“I realized that people, mindsets and capabilities are more important than codifying clear processes. I will use this learning by focusing on capability assessment, the learning journey and change management”

- CPO of a luxury brand

“We were too slow to identify where we had skills gaps​ and needed to hire from the outside”

- CPO of a consumer goods company

I learned a lot from stakeholders. All these conversations were new for the stakeholders. They weren’t used to procurement saying “tell me what I can do for you, tell me what you think”

- CPO of a financial-services company

Understand organization

Create Impact

Engage stakeholders

Drive personal growth


Click each dimension to learn more

Develop a baseline understanding of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses and value creation opportunities

Focus on impact, make their mark on the organization and demonstrate its potential to add more value to the business as a whole

Proactively engage with internal business stakeholders, external stakeholders and partners to understand their needs and priorities

Build an individual capability building plan to develop technical capabilities and softer skills

Deliver quick wins and top priorities, mobilize team to drive change and set procurement strategy and vision

Best practices of successful Procurement transitions

Think like an outsider

Your sense of urgency in first year will set the tone and momentum for your tenure

Focus on performance AND health

Have a view on the critical 3-5 shifts in ways of working that will unlock performance

#1 regret is not moving fast enough on people

Having right people in right roles is key to getting yourself leverage

You are a Chief role model, whether intentional or not

Be deliberate about the kind of leader you will be in this role


Perspective 1

Rollover Text Aliquam facilisis ex est, in fermentum quam pretium a. Etiam faucibus et enim in vulputate.

Perspective 2

Rollover Text Aliquam facilisis ex est, in fermentum quam pretium a. Etiam faucibus et enim in vulputate.

Perspective 3

Rollover Text Aliquam facilisis ex est, in fermentum quam pretium a. Etiam faucibus et enim in vulputate.

Perspective 4

Rollover Text Aliquam facilisis ex est, in fermentum quam pretium a. Etiam faucibus et enim in vulputate.

Perspective 5

Rollover Text Aliquam facilisis ex est, in fermentum quam pretium a. Etiam faucibus et enim in vulputate.


Curabitur eget mi enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam scelerisque enim tortor, at egestas ex tristique ac.

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