Next Generation Procurement for Travel, Logistics, and Infrastructure leaders

Procurement Executive Transition Program

The Transition Forum

A forum where peers, who are new in their role, come to network and benefit from best practice sharing, insights and one to one coaching.

The Transition Forum runs two-day workshops that provide the opportunity to discuss aspirations and challenges and to share insights, learnings and approaches in a safe and confidential setting.

Program Details

This program is for procurement leaders who are new in their role and is co-hosted by a McKinsey Senior Partner(s) with a strong background in procurement and leadership development. Discussions include topics like your mandate as a procurement leader and how to set up a vision and aspiration for your team and yourself and how to identify challenges and opportunities to create value.

Distinctive Features

A practical approach to real-world scenarios and intimate peer discussions is the hallmark of The Transition Forum.

Peer-to-peer Learning

Small groups allow for candid exchanges in a confidential and safe setting to target critical issues.

Real-world curriculum

Problem solve around your challenges and opportunities and develop clear guidance that you can apply immediately.

Procurement insights

Get insights to the latest procurement global outlook and trends

Exclusive alumni network

The Transition Forum participants are invited to join an exclusive alumni network that regularly brings together participants, thus creating a powerful global group of peers.

Upcoming dates



Regional Focus

Procurement Executive Transition Forum: EMEA & Asia Edition

November 7th and November 8th, 2024

EMEA and Asia

Are you interested? Please get in touch with us.

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