Procurement Executive Transition Forum

Your journey to a successful transition

Next Generation Procurement for Travel, Logistics, and Infrastructure leaders

Are you transitioning to a Procurement Leader role? - let us help you be successful

As a procurement executive new to the position this will be a crucial and busy time. In our experience, the procurement leaders who are most successful when they take on a new role are deliberate and disciplined in their approach. Success comes from actively engaging leadership across the business, quickly mobilizing the procurement team, and delivering tangible impact, early on.

This McKinsey program is designed to provide a safe and confidential setting for you to explore how you can make the best of your new responsibilities and opportunities. By joining the Transition Program, you will benefit from the latest insights and coaches who can help you identify value-creating opportunities, how to help drive your business forward, and where to make your own mark on the organization.

If you are interested in the Procurement Leaders Transition Program, get in contact with us here.

Our assessment of more than 1,000 procurement organizations, indicate that procurement performance is strongly correlated to corporate performance


Our Team

Mauro Erriquez

Senior Partner, Frankfurt

Riccardo Drentin

Partner, London

Andreas Brunlöf

Associate Partner, Stockholm

Rabea Galland

Expert Associate Partner, Munich

Want to learn more about the Procurement Executive Transition Program?

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